Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Cupcake spotlight on Frosted in Honolulu, Hawaii

I'm going to be meeting with Melissa, who runs custom cupcake and cake company Frosted in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Sunday, but wanted to share some of her beautiful cupcakes now. They can be reached at melissa at frostedhawaii.com and you can see more photos in their Flickr account and find them @frostedhawaii on Twitter and on Facebook.

I'm starting with flip flop cupcakes because I'm excited about going to the beach and escaping the cold of New York! Before anyone gets jealous of my Hawaii trip, please note that right after I'm going to Milwaukee for the last Iron Cupcake Milwaukee, which I am so excited about attending, but am a bit scared of the cold weather.

Super Mario

and more Mario!

Owl cake and cupcake tower

last but not least, some conversation heart candy cupcakes just in time for Valentine's Day

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